You are here : Stories / Service-June-2017
We do not hold these events every year, but given our ancestors’ contribution to settling Canada, we thought it was appropriate that we have a Memorial Day Service in 2017 in Canada's 150th Anniversary!
Here is how we billed the event:
It is with great pleasure that I welcome everyone to the Lochaber Bay Cemetery Memorial Day Service.
Let me tell you about some history of the cemetery ....
On August 9th, 1919 a Public meeting was held at the school house - here in the community of Lochaber Bay - with the purpose being to strike a committee to manage this cemetery - that you have all gathered at today.
William Aurthur MacCallum was elected President and D A MacEachern Secretary-Treasurer with directors Percy Campbell, John T Nesbit and A P McLachlan. John N MacCallum was appointed to locate plots in the cemetery. Thus begins the long march to our present day cemetery with frequent stops with no activity - with the cemetery becoming wild ... and then followed by a sudden explosion of activity and revitalization.
Over the years we have had many people that have contributed greatly to the well being of this cemetery. Most notably and little recognized are the caretakers - the people that cut the grass and manage the burials.
But there is another story about the cemetery and it's people, both above and below ground, and that is the one that Bill McLachlan would like to tell us.
.. but before Bill comes up, I would like to acknowledge a number of people gathered with us today:
Ora Lamb – I first met Ora a number of years ago at a service much like this .. and, after the service, she pulled out a large bag of sandwiches which she had made - which were delicious!
I know there are some other out-of-towner's and I'd like to thank them for making the effort to come out today!
I'd also like to thank Andrew Moore our piper from Old Chelsea – who has piped for us many times over the years!
I would like to especially thank the Reverend Stephen Hayes – our guest speaker today – and a repeat performance from 2012!
Finally, I would like to identify the executive of the Lochaber Bay Cemetery:
Finally, you will be given an opportunity to make a contribution to the cemetery today. Currently our balance sheet runs a couple of hundred dollars in the red most years then recovers on events like today. Money collected mostly goes towards capital projects such as fence repair, hedge work and possibly some headstone repair in the future on the oldest monuments.
Many thanks for your contributions!
OK Bill – take it away!
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info at lochabercemetery dot org
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Headstone photos mostly by Elaine Howes - copyright © 2010-2021